Best Cost Fontan Procedure in India
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Best Cost Fontan Procedure in India

A Fontan procedure is a surgical procedure used to treat heart conditions such as Tricuspid atresia and Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. During this treatment, doctors change the structure of the heart so that certain areas of the heart are bypassed, allowing blood to flow more efficiently to the lungs.

period Fontan surgery in Indiaundergo surgery to treat hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a congenital defect in which newborns have only one functioning ventricle. In this syndrome, oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood mixes in the circulation, turning the child blue. The Fontan operation is performed when the child is between 18 months and two years old, after two other operations.

this Cost of Fontan Surgery in India From $9,000. Costs may vary, depending on a variety of factors, including your medical condition, your surgeon’s experience, and the type of facility you choose.but that Fontan Surgery Cost in India Compared with other developed countries, it is still at a low level.

What is Fontan surgery?

A Fontan surgery in India Improves blood circulation in people whose hearts have only one functioning ventricle.This condition is caused by one of several reasons congenital heart disease.

Fontan surgery allows oxygen-poor blood from the lower body to bypass the heart and flow directly to the pulmonary arteries (and ultimately the lungs) for oxygen. This type of surgery is usually done after a second surgery (Glenn’s procedure), which diverts oxygen-poor blood from the upper body to the pulmonary arteries and lungs.

following Fontan surgery in India, all oxygen-deprived blood flows through the pulmonary artery to the lungs instead of going through the heart first. This blood flows passively, or without the help of pumping chambers.

Your heart is made up of four chambers:

  • Two upper chambers (atria)
  • Two lower chambers (ventricles)

When one of your ventricles, or one of your heart’s main valves, didn’t form properly before birth, your other ventricle must compensate for the undersized or non-functioning ventricle.

Who is a good candidate for Fontan surgery in India?

Children 2 to 15 years old (usually 3 to 5 years old) born with single ventricle disease will be Suitable Candidates for Fontan Heart Surgery in India. However, it’s not for everyone.The doctor treating your child will determine if they are Good candidates for Fontan surgery. For example, their functioning ventricles must be strong enough to pump blood effectively, and their lungs must be in good enough shape to receive passive blood flow.

Before Fontan heart treatment, your child may need at least one upfront surgery, such as:

  • norwood surgery
  • Glenn Program
  • Blalock-Taussig-Thomas (BTT) shunt
  • pulmonary artery band

How many types of Fontan surgery are there in India?

Fontan surgery in India This can be done in a number of ways.this Types of Fontan Surgery in India Primarily defined by a specific type of heart defect. Three methods listed below will help restore blood flow:

  • Xinwai Fangdan: Another name for this type of process is Extracardiac full Cavo-lung connection. Blood flow is altered by disconnecting the inferior vena cava from the heart and connecting it to a tube that runs along the underside of the pulmonary artery.
  • Lateral Tunnel Fontan: This process is also called Total intracardiac Cavo pulmonary connection. The lateral tunnel connects the lower portion of the pulmonary artery, which leads to the lungs, with the higher portion of the right atrium.
  • Atrial lung connection: During the original Fontan operation, a connection between the right atrium and the pulmonary artery, also called Master Lung Connection Technology.

How much does Fontan surgery cost in India?

Fontan surgery in India is much cheaper than in other countries which makes it more acceptable for patients.but that Fontan Surgery Cost in India start at $9,500.In addition, India is some Best Cardiologists in India They have extensive training and expertise in performing the Fontan procedure.

It is estimated that patients from Western countries can save thousands of dollars by undergoing Fontan surgery in India. A complete treatment plan includes:

  • 10-14 days in hospital, including ICU admission.
  • Operation time 4-7 hours
  • Stay in the country for 25-30 days
  • Physician team consultation fee
  • Surgery Costing
  • Pre- and post-operative care and all medical tests

India’s top cardiologist

  • Dr. Ajay Kaur
  • Dr. TS Clare
  • Dr. Sanjay Gupta
  • Dr DK Jhamb
  • Dr Naresh Trehan

How is Fontan surgery performed in India?

Before surgery

After your child’s healthcare professional determines that he or she is a good candidate for Fontan surgery, they will perform tests, which may include:

  • Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE).
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG).
  • Cardiac catheterization.
  • Lung evaluation (to check your child’s breathing and oxygen levels).
  • In some cases, imaging tests, such as CT or MRI, are done.

During surgery

On the day of the procedure, your child’s healthcare professional will provide anesthesia that will put them in a deep, painless sleep. While connecting your child’s inferior vena cava to the pulmonary artery, the surgeon will connect them to a machine that will temporarily do the work of their heart and lungs. This directs oxygen-starved blood from the child’s lower body to the arteries that lead to the lungs.

Surgeons may perform additional heart treatments at the same time, such as widening the opening between the upper chambers (atria) or repairing one of the heart valves.Depending on your child’s heart and lung condition, a small amount open the window (The opening) can be formed in the tube that connects the inferior vena cava to the pulmonary artery.

Fontan surgery in India It may last four to five hours. Your child’s medical team will keep you updated as often as possible during this process.

Your child will be transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for close monitoring. They will then be taken to the general ward.Your healthcare provider will guide you on how to care for your baby when you need to go home.

What are the possible risks of Fontan surgery?

  • Stenosis (narrowing) of the pulmonary arteries can lead to pulmonary hypertension (increased blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs).
  • Due to atrioventricular valve incompetence, blood can backflow from the atria to the ventricles.
  • Narrowing (narrowing) of a surgically placed catheter or tube.
  • Formation of blood clots and embolisms, especially pulmonary embolism.
  • Elevated pressure in the inferior vena cava can lead to liver damage (cirrhosis), liver failure, liver cancer, and increased blood pressure in the hepatic arteries (portal hypertension).
  • Ischemia, infarction, and inability to participate in strenuous exercise are all symptoms of ventricular failure.
  • A pleural effusion is a buildup of fluid around the lungs that can lead to difficulty breathing and prolonged hospital stay.
  • intolerance to exercise
  • There may be liver problems, such as liver fibrosis.
  • After a few years, the patient may need a heart transplant.

How can IndiaMedAssist Consultant help?

IndiaMedAssist Consultant is a reputable support system for patients seeking medical, hospital and professional treatment. We will find the most suitable medical options for you. Our team will provide you with a list of certified, reputable and trustworthy doctors and hospitals for your medical concerns. In addition, we offer treatment strategies that fit your budget. In addition, we assist patients in obtaining travel authorization, medical visas and many other matters.

Most Important FAQs Best Cost Fontan Procedure in India

Q: What are the three stages of Fontan?

A: Fontan palliative care for tricuspid atresia is divided into three phases. (a) First stage: An artificial shunt was inserted between the right subclavian artery and the right pulmonary artery. (b) The second stage involves an anastomosis between the right pulmonary artery and the superior vena cava. (c) Phase III: Complete the Fontan cycle.

Q: What is the difference between Glenn and Fontan?

A: Glenn’s procedure is a link between Norwood’s procedure and Fontan’s procedure. This is an important aspect of single ventricle surgery planning as it prepares the heart and lungs for the passive pulmonary circulation brought about by the third surgery, the Fontan procedure.

Q: What are the risks of Fontan surgery?

Answer: Contraindications,Pulmonary hypoplasia, significant mitral regurgitation and left ventricular dysfunction,High levels of pulmonary vascular resistance.

Q: What happens after Fontan?

A: Fontaine-related conditions such as cardiac arrhythmias, chronic liver disease, protein-losing enteropathy, thromboembolic problems, heart failure, ventricular and valve dysfunction, renal failure, and plastic bronchitis are common among survivors.

Q: What Exactly Are Glenn Splitters?

A: During Glenn’s procedure, the surgeon disconnects the superior vena cava (SVC) from the heart and connects it to the pulmonary artery. Blood from the upper body now flows directly into the pulmonary arteries. The pulmonary artery is responsible for carrying blood to the lungs.