Affordable Womb Transplant Cost in India
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Affordable Womb Transplant Cost in India

For many women, childbirth is an incredible experience. Unfortunately, not every woman can encourage this period of her life. this uterus transplant Surgery leads to life-changing moment for woman with condition Absolute Uterine Factor Infertility (AUFI) Provides an effective solution for infertility caused by lack of a uterus.

Uterine Transplantation in India A promising possible treatment for women with the disease absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI), a traditionally incurable form of female infertility affecting hundreds of thousands of women of reproductive age around the world.

this Uterus Transplant Cost in India This figure is surprisingly low compared to other developed countries such as Germany, the UK and the US. Treatment cost plans depend on the skill and expertise of the surgeon and the location of the hospital.

What is a uterus transplant?

A Uterine Transplantation in India is a relatively new treatment option, so it is not widely used yet. During the procedure, the damaged uterus is replaced with a healthy uterus from a genetically compatible donor. It’s also a great option for women who were born without a uterus but want to have a baby.

A uterus transplant Unlike other treatments, this is a one-time treatment designed to help you get pregnant. This means that the patient will receive a transplanted uterus, successfully conceive, and subsequently undergo a uterus transplant. Hysterectomy.

a woman who has experienced uterus transplant, usually the purpose of obtaining a uterus is to have a child. In some cases, such as when a woman is born without a uterus, she will have a uterus transplant to restore reproductive health balance.

On the other hand, a Uterine Transplantation in India Not a first-line treatment for reproductive disorders such as Endometriosis. Conservative treatments, such as pain medication and lifestyle changes, are being considered to help manage reproductive disease. Surgery may be recommended to help remove fibroids or adhesions, reduce pain, and balance hormones.

Who is a suitable candidate for a uterus transplant in India?

Indian woman with missing or damaged uterus can have hers uterus transplant If she meets the following criteria:

  • She has absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI).
  • She is between the ages of 20 and 40 and has no active or recurrent cancer.
  • She has a standard body mass index (BMI).
  • She does not have an active infection such as HIV or hepatitis C.
  • She does not have diabetes.
  • She doesn’t smoke.

Helpful – Best IVF Centers in India

How is uterus transplant performed in India?

Patients will undergo a thorough evaluation to determine their suitability for a transplant. These will include a battery of diagnostic and screening tests to assess the patient’s physical and mental health.

How is uterus transplant performed in India
How is uterus transplant performed in India

pass microvascular anastomosis In this procedure, the donor’s uterus and blood supply are removed and transplanted into the recipient. before accepting uterus transplant in india patients will undergo controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and egg collection.

At the same time, the recipient’s egg and the partner’s sperm are fertilized by the IVF-ICSI method. embryo cryopreservation They will be used after the embryo transfer Successful uterus transplant in India.

Donors undergo hysterectomy prior to transplant surgery. The process typically takes 8 hours and can be performed by:

  • Robotic Hysterectomy – This method is also known as Laparoscopic Hysterectomy in Indiainvolves surgeons removing the donor’s uterus through five small incisions.
  • Open hysterectomy – The uterus is removed by making a large vertical incision from the navel to the pubic hairline.

The patient will then go to the hospital on the planned surgery day. The transplant procedure will last 4 to 6 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, the patient will be transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and then to the Recovery Unit for at least 5 to 7 days.

The complex uterus transplant usually takes nine hours. “Approximately 80% of organ (uterus) removals are done laparoscopically and only at the end of the procedure when surgeons have to remove the organ (uterus) from the donor’s body do they resort to laparotomy , by making a small incision so that the blood vessels that supply blood to the uterus are not squeezed and damaged.”

How much does a uterus transplant cost in India?

The cost of a non-vital organ transplant will be much lower than that of a kidney transplant. this Cost of Uterus Transplant in India start at $25000. A complete treatment takes approximately 12 hours.

Influencing factors Cost of Uterus Transplant in India:

  • patient’s age and health
  • The age and health of the donor
  • Types of Uterine Transplants
  • Hospital Clinical Infrastructure
  • Surgeon skills and expertise

Why do people choose India for Uterus Transplant?

In 2017, India performed its first successful uterine transplant. There have been many changes and developments in treatment since then. A 21-year-old woman was India’s first uterine transplant patient. The woman had been born without a uterus. In a complex procedure, a team of surgeons transferred her mother’s womb to her.

India is a well-known and established international destination for various reproductive treatments. The country has a large number of fertility clinics as well as globally recognized hospitals that provide patients with quality care, comfort and medical services.

Affordability is a major factor attracting patients for fertility treatment in India. this Cost of Uterus Transplant in India Much lower than the United States or other industrialized countries. Beyond the cost-benefit analysis, Indian law also eased restrictions on assisted reproductive technology.

What postoperative complications can occur after a uterus transplant?

Following the transplant procedure, participants will begin immunosuppressant drugs regimen. These drugs are the same drugs used by recipients of other types of organ transplants to prevent immune rejection of the uterus.

After the participant recovers, an embryo will be implanted in her uterus. Transplants will take place between 6 and 12 months post-transplant, depending on the participant’s medical condition and the patient’s health Uterus transplant.

If a participant becomes pregnant, she will be closely monitored by a team of obstetricians trained in high-risk pregnancies. The baby will be delivered by C-section between 37 and 39 weeks (or earlier if the health of the mother and/or baby so requires).


It must be emphasized that a uterus transplant is not a long-term solution for infertility or uterine problems. Long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs, especially during and before pregnancy, is dangerous and should be avoided. The transplanted uterus is temporary while an attempt is made to conceive, and a hysterectomy is recommended for maximum health of the conceived.

How can IndiaMedAssist Consultant help?

IndiaMedAssist Consultant is a reputable support system for patients seeking medical, hospital and professional treatment. We will find the most suitable medical options for you. Our team will provide you with a list of certified, reputable and trustworthy doctors and hospitals for your medical concerns. In addition, we offer treatment strategies that fit your budget. In addition, we assist patients in obtaining travel authorization, medical visas and many other matters.

Most Important FAQs Affordable Womb Transplant Cost in India

Q: Can you live without a uterus?

A: Most hysterectomies are performed laparoscopically, with the option to preserve the cervix. Hysterectomy does not necessarily include removal of the ovaries. Life without a uterus: If a woman does not have a uterus, she cannot have children or menstruate.

Q: Is a hysterectomy painful?

A: In most cases, the pain is mild. If the surgery was done laparoscopically, you may experience some pain and soreness at the site of the incision. Most women are advised to abstain from heavy lifting and sexual intercourse for at least six weeks.

Q: What is life like after a hysterectomy?

A: After surgery, you may experience light bleeding and discharge, and you will no longer have regular periods. Pain, burning, and itching are usually experienced around the incision site. If your ovaries have been removed, you are more likely to experience menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.

Q: Can women have a uterus transplant?

A: It has been nearly seven years since the world’s first uterine transplant was successfully born. Since then, the experimental treatment has made enormous clinical strides, with more than 60 women undergoing uterus transplants worldwide, resulting in at least 18 live births.

Q: What should I do if the uterus is too large?

A: While an enlarged uterus does not cause any health problems, conditions that cause an enlarged uterus can. In addition to the pain and discomfort caused by fibroids, these uterine tumors can reduce fertility and make pregnancy and delivery difficult.